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VS Code development environment for Open IoT SDK


This guide describes how to quickly and easily start developing Open IoT SDK with Visual Studio Code VS Code and Docker.

VS Code is a free IDE that can be used to setup a development environment for Open IoT SDK. It also provides tools for building, running, testing and debugging example applications.

Docker provides the ability to package and run your solution in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security allow you to run many containers simultaneously on a given host.

Containers are lightweight and self contained, to build a container you need a text file named Dockerfile which describes what is installed inside the container.

You can version Dockerfile in your repository to keep the environment synced with the codebase.

This repository supports the docker/remote container workflow (.devcontainer) in VS Code, and has a container environment setup automatically.

You can read more about this workflow Developing inside a Container.

VS Code's tasks and debugging are used to improve the development user experience of example applications (.vscode).

Environment setup

The use of VS Code Dev Containers significantly simplifies the setup process. All available tools were applied to automate the process as much as possible.

These are the steps to run the Open IoT SDK environment from scratch:

  1. Windows Only Enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) following instructions here:
  2. Windows Only Install Ubuntu from the Windows App Store here:
  3. Install Git for your operating system
  4. Windows Only Enable git to use LF instead of CLRF by default: git config --global core.autocrlf false
  5. Install Docker Engine for your operating system of choice from here:
  6. For Windows users please refer to Windows installation guide for Docker installation details.
  7. For Linux users please refer to Linux post-installation steps for Docker Engine to guarantee the right permission for Docker Engine.
  8. Install VS Code for your operating system of choice here:
  9. Start VS Code and install the Dev Containers extension for VS Code.
  10. Run Dev Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume... from the Command Palette F1 or from quick actions Status bar item: Open a Remote Window.
  11. Enter the Open IoT SDK Gitlab URL:
  12. The VS Code window will reload, clone the source code (to the passed location), and start building the dev container that has all the components necessary for developing Open IoT SDK. The initial container build will take several minutes to complete and when it completes the source tree will be opened. A progress notification provides status updates.
  13. After the build completes, VS Code automatically connects to the container. You can now work with the repository source code in this independent Open IoT SDK environment.
  14. Windows Only Update your VS Code settings as documented here: to use Bash on Ubuntu (on Windows) eg: "": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe"


In case of any issues, please see troubleshooting section.

Environment configuration

The VS Code development environment for Open IoT SDK can be configured by editing the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file. The default settings provide a fully functional environment quickly. However, the user can adapt them to their own needs. More settings options for VS Code dev container can be found here.


Changes to.devcontainer/devcontainer.json only take effect when the container is rebuilt. This can be done by running Dev Containers: Rebuild Container from the Command Palette F1 or from quick actions Status bar item: Open a Remote Window.

Debugging setup

Debugging the Open IoT SDK application running on an FVP model requires GDB Remote Connection Plugin for Fast Model. More details GDBRemoteConnection.

The Fast Models FVP add-on package can be downloaded from the ARM Developer website FM000A Fast models page. After login in to the ARM developer platform, select the Third Party Add-ons for Fast Models 11.16 (Linux).

💡 Ensure that the version number of the add-on matches the version of the FVP you intend to use.

After unpacking the package in the selected location on the host machine, pass the Fast Model package to the Docker container development environment by mounting it into the container's /opt/FastModels_ThirdParty_IP_11-16_b16_Linux64 directory.

Add a volume bound to this directory by editing the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file:


"mounts": [

If the default mount target of the Fast Model package is changed update the FAST_MODEL_THIRD_PARTY_DIR container variable in the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file to the same value.

To define your own Fast Model extension installation directory, edit the the FAST_MODEL_EXTENSION_DIR container variable in the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file.

The Fast Model extension is automatically installed during the bootstrapping step when the package is provided to the container.

After installation the GDB Remote Connection Plugin should be visible in $FAST_MODEL_EXTENSION_DIR/FastModelsPortfolio_11.16/plugins/Linux64_GCC-9.3 directory.

Environment usage

VS Code tasks and VS Code debugging are used to simplify developer actions in the Open IoT SDK. This built-in solution allows building, running, testing and debugging each Open IoT SDK example.

Applying templates changes

Changes made to the Open IoT SDK example templates are automatically applied to the generated code.

The Run on Save VS Code extension is used to re-generate examples code each time file from the templates directory is saved.

The .vscode/settings.json file includes the extension configuration.

Building example using VS Code task

Command Palette (F1)
=> Run Task...
=> Build Open IoT SDK example
=> <debug mode enable>
=> <example name>
=> (example operating system - optional)

The build result will be in __build/example_name/(example_operating_system)/corstone-300 folder.

Running example using VS Code task

Run Open IoT SDK applications on FVP platform.

Command Palette (F1)
=> Run Task...
=> Run Open IoT SDK example
=> <example name>
=> (example operating system - optional)

The Open IoT SDK example runs in a terminal session and prints its output directly to it. Use CTRL+C to terminate the application.

Testing example using VS Code task

These task allows you to test Open IoT SDK example applications. The integration test is executed with the right configuration.

Command Palette (F1)
=> Run Task...
=> Test Open IoT SDK example
=> <example name>
=> (example operating system - optional)

The test is terminated automatically.

Debugging example with VS Code

Debugging components application is a more complex action. It's required to run debug server and connect the client to it. The Cortex-debug is used in this VS Code debugging solution. It requires the ARM GCC Toolchain and GDB server instance but can also works in remote server mode.

The GDB Remote Connection Plugin is included with running FVP and opens the external GDB server instance.

To run the Open IoT SDK example with GDB server support use this VS Code task:

Command Palette (F1)
=> Run Task...
=> Debug Open IoT SDK example
=> <example name>
=> (example operating system - optional)

The Open IoT SDK example runs in a terminal session and the GDB server starts (server details are printed in the terminal). Now you can use the preferred GDB client to connect to the node and start debugging. Use CTRL+C to terminate the example application.

To debug the Open IoT SDK example with VS Code run the debug session using VS Code launch configuration:

Run and Debug (Ctrl+Shift+D)
=> Debug Open IoT SDK (TF-M) example
=> Start Debugging (F5)
=> <example name>
=> (example operating system - optional)

The VS Code task that runs the application with the GDB server is automatically started in a terminal session.

As soon as a debugging session starts, the DEBUG CONSOLE panel is displayed and shows the debugging output.

Use debug controls to debug the current application in the "Run and Debug" section of VSCode.

Use CTRL+C to terminate the example application with the GDB server.


The TF-M examples require a different debug configuration therefore they have a seprate launch task. In this case, symbols for 3 applications (bootloader, non-secure partition and secure partition) are provided for the debugging process.

Debugging the Open IoT SDK example with the VS Code launch task requires selecting the example settings twice. This is because the Vscode doesn't support passing paramters between tasks.


The VS Code development environment contains some pre-installed extensions. They provide useful features to develop, enhance or maintain source code inside the environment.

For more information about available extensions visit their page: - Gitlab workflow


The VS Code development environment for the Open IoT SDK has some limitations on the available development options.

Supported architectures

The environment is built for the AMD64 architecture.

Supported toolchains

Currently only GNU Arm Embedded version 10.3 is supported in the VS Code development environment.

Supported FVPs

Currently only Arm Corstone SSE-300 FVP is supported in the VS Code development environment.


Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

This is an indication that the docker daemon is not started. You can check if it is started by running systemctl status docker or sudo dockerd in a terminal. If it is not started, run systemctl start docker to start the docker daemon.

If docker cannot be started and gives the error ZONE_CONFLICT: docker0 already bound to a zone, run the following commands, which reconfigure firewall settings and changes the interface to docker0.

$ firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=docker --change-interface=docker0
$ sudo systemctl restart firewalld

DNS resolution when network changes

While the machine is open it can enter and exits several networks: home network, VPN, office network. Every time the network change the file /etc/resolv.conf of the host Linux is changed, it contains the address of DNS servers to use. These changes are not reflected in already running docker containers as the file is copied from the host when the container is started.

To overcome this issue you have a number of options:

  • restart the container
  • update the file /etc/resolv.conf in the container with content of this file on the host.
  • set up an auto-updater (see below)

Setting up your system to auto update the DNS when the network changes

Create a local version of the /etc/resolv.conf file:

cp /etc/resolv.conf ~/resolv.conf

In your home directory create a file called containing the following :

#! /bin/sh

diffs=`diff ~/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf | wc -l`

if [ $diffs -ne 0 ]; then
    cp /etc/resolv.conf ~/resolv.conf

Create a cron job to run this script every 5 mins (or time period of your choosing). To do this run: crontab -e and add the following line to your crontab file:

*/5 * * * *  ~/ >/dev/null 2>&1

When you run your docker container add the following mount :

-v ~/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf

Now whenever your network changes, the /etc/resolv.conf file should be auto updated within a maximum of 5 minutes.


For more Docker Engine troubleshoots visit the pages: - Troubleshoot Docker Engine installation - Docker demon troubleshoot