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This component exposes the following libraries from the Aws IoT Device SDK:

  • backoff_algorithm : Utility library to calculate backoff period.
  • CoreMQTT : API implementing MQTT functionalities.
  • CoreJSON: API implementing JSON functionalities.
  • CoreHTTP : API implementing HTTP functionalities.

A transport interface named iot-sdk-aws-network-manager and based on the other components provided by the Open IoT SDK is also available.


The configuration of coreMQTT and coreHTTP can be set by extending respectively the coreMQTT-config and coreHTTP-config.

The application can add the compile time definition MQTT_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG to coreMQTT-config or HTTP_DO_NOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG to coreHTTP-config to enable the default config.

A custom config can be provided in a file named core_mqtt_config.h or core_http_config.h. This file must be visible on the path of the coreMQTT-config or coreHTTP-config targets.


AWS-IOT-device-sdk-embedded-C is licensed under the MIT license.