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File naming conventions

The Open IoT SDK uses common conventions for naming files and directories.


All CMake files are named following the CamelCase naming convention.

Listing text file

Input files listing directives for the CMake build system are named CMakeLists.txt.

Files and Modules

Files containing CMake code are named starting with a verb e.g. FetchMcuDriverHal.cmake.

Other files and directories

All other files and directories are named following the snake_case naming convention.


Components located in the components/ are external repositories populated using CMake FetchContent modules.

To ease recognition of the project added, components root directories are named after the repository they are populated from (albeit in lower case).

E.g. The CMSIS Version 5 project which lives at is fetched from the Open IoT SDK component named components/cmsis_5.

Some projects use hyphens as word separator (kebab-case), the Open IoT SDK component shall retain this as it is part of the repository name.

E.g. The Trusted Firmware-M project which lives at is fetched from the Open IoT SDK component named components/trusted-firmware-m.