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IoT SDK AWS Network Manager

The component iot-sdk-aws-network-manager exposes a network interface that can be consumed by the coreMQTT and coreHTTP library.


To use the IoT SDK AWS Network Manager, the following variables should be defined in the application :

// Configuration of the connection
static const AwsNetworkContextConfig_t networkConfig = {
    // configuration

// Callback invoked when the TLS connection has been successfully established
static int connect_mqtt(NetworkContext_t *ctx);

// Transport interface usable in coreMQTT and coreHTTP initialization functions
static TransportInterface_t transport = {
    .send = AwsNetwork_send,
    .recv = AwsNetwork_recv,
    .pNetworkContext = &network_context

The component's API can then be used to connect to AWS :

// Initialize the network
AwsNetwork_init(&network_context, &networkConfig);

// Connect to the server
int res = AwsNetwork_connect(&network_context, connect_cb);
if (res) {
    // process error

// Operate on the connection using the coreMQTT or coreHTTP libraries

// Close the connection


The connect operation uses the backoffAlgorithm library to schedule retry. If the application requires additional processing to be done during the connection process - for example connecting to the MQTT broker - it is recommended to make this processing part of the global connect. The callback passed to AwsNetwork_connect fulfil that role.


iot-sdk-aws-network-manager is an easy entry point to set up a connection to the AWS services using the Open IoT SDK features. However it does not pretend to cover all the existing use cases and configuration required to connect to the AWS cloud. For example, plain text connection is not supported.


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