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The AddressSanitizer (asan) checks for memory bugs such as overflow and use-after-free.

  • The IoT SDK implementation checks the stack and the heap.
  • It uses "shadow memory" (1 byte of reserved memory per 8 bytes of allocated memory) to track application memory. A special region outside of the bounds of the protected sections should be defined in the linker script. Its should be 1/8 the combined size of the stack and heap.


The iotsdk_sanitizers_config.h file must define the following preprocessor symbols:

  • IOTSDK_ASAN_SYM_HEAP_START and IOTSDK_ASAN_SYM_HEAP_END - set to the names of symbols defined in the linker script so asan can find the bounds of the heap.
  • IOTSDK_ASAN_SYM_STACK_START and IOTSDK_ASAN_SYM_STACK_END - set to the names of symbols defined in the linker script so asan can find the bounds of the stack.
  • IOTSDK_ASAN_SHADOW_START and IOTSDK_ASAN_SHADOW_END - set to the names of symbols defined in the linker script so asan can find the bounds of the shadow region.

The following preprocessor symbols can also be defined:

  • IOTSDK_ASAN_REDZONE_SIZE - size in bytes of red-zone memory which is placed either side of an allocation and allows checking for out-of-bounds errors. Defaults to 8 bytes.
  • IOTSDK_ASAN_QUARANTINE_SIZE - number of freed blocks to remember for double-free detection. Defaults to 16.

Building & Usage

  1. Provide the location of the config file to the iotsdk-sanitizers-asan target using target_include_directories(iotsdk-sanitizers-asan PUBLIC ...).
  2. Link the targets to be instrumented to the iotsdk-sanitizers-asan library.
  3. Asan will initialise itself before main(), so all user code can be instrumented.

Notes & Limitations

  • Currently only the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain is supported.
  • Stack memory bugs which occur in an RTOS thread will be reported as heap bugs because the thread stack is allocated on the heap.