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Mbed Critical

This is a library of cross-platform utilities for disabling and enabling interrupt handling. - The interrupts are disabled when execution reaches the start of a critical section. - The interrupts are re-enabled when the execution reaches the end of a a critical section.

💡 The current version of Mbed Critical is fetched from the mcu-driver-hal repository.


In your application's CMakeLists.txt, include mbed-critical in the IOTSDK_FETCH_LIST variable, alongside any other components you need to fetch:


💡 This must be done before your application's CMakeLists.txt adds the Open IoT SDK.


In your application's CMakeLists.txt, link the application executable against the library named mbed-critical alongside any other libraries you need:


💡 Replace my_application with the actual name of your application.

This not only enables the linking of the mbed-critical static library, but also makes its API headers' include paths available to your application.